
Cheswick Green & District


The u3a is a lively organisation in Cheswick Green and District for people no longer working full-time but still active why not join us and enjoy:

  • Local activities.
  • Lovely welcoming people to meet and make new friends.
  • Members learn from each other everyone is able to contribute their own particular skills, knowledge and experience.
  • Keep both your brain and body fit and active.
  • Lots of Interest Groups. These are organised by u3a members. Any member, whose interest is not catered for, is encouraged and helped to start a new group.
  • Free entry to our meetings on the Third Thursday of the month in Cheswick Green Village Hall. See Events for the list of talks and speakers for the next few months.

Our membership fee of only £15 per annum includes the following benefits:

  • Monthly meetings at Cheswick Green Village Hall with speakers and tea and biscuits,
  • u3a Public Liability insurance (not personal accident) whilst on any u3a activity including all u3a interest groups, and advice on u3a legal helpline 03447701040
  • Local Cheswick Green & District quarterly newsletters.
  • Access to u3a online courses (you’ll be amazed what you can study without leaving home),
  • Help for interest groups from the National u3a Resource centre.

It does not include: Interest group activities which must all be self funding but are only open to u3a members.

Group of people walking
members chatting at monthly meeting