Our u3a gives you opportunities to develop your interests, make new friends and have fun
The u3a is for people who want to keep active in mind and body, enjoy socialising, and are no longer in full time employment.
u3a Members also benefit from being able to join any of the growing number of Interest Groups which cover a wide variety of subjects. Some members join the u3a just to be able to participate in our friendly Groups led by enthusiastic leaders.
Cheswick Green & District U3A was established in October 2012 and has rapidly grown to a membership of over 200.
Our full core meetings take place at Cheswick Green Village Hall on the 3rd THURSDAY each month. Meetings start promptly at 2 p.m. with a talk by a guest Speaker on general interest topics and refreshments afterwards with a chance to stay and have a chat with fellow members.
The meetings are free to members and £2.00 for non members. Prospective members are offered ONE free visit to any of our general meetings. Come along – you will be sure of a warm welcome! For extra details of groups ask/contact our Groups Co-ordinator Hilda
Currently we have over 200 members. WE NEED VOLUNTEERS FOR:
- Core Meeting Tea Rota
- Committee.
PLEASE let us know if you can help. Just come to a committee meeting, 1st Thursday each month at 2.00pm in Cheswick Green Village Hall to lend your support.
There are no current notices
There are more than 20 interest groups which meet regularly. These are organised by the u3a members themselves and any member whose interest is not catered for is encouraged to start a new group..
If you wish to join our u3a please contact Jacky Nolan. Membership will be reviewed periodically. The membership form can be downloaded below.
Your membership fee of only £15 per annum includes the following benefits:
- Monthly meetings at Cheswick Green Village Hall with speakers and tea and biscuits,
- u3a Public Liability insurance (not personal accident) whilst on any u3a activity including all u3a interest groups, and advice on u3a legal helpline 03447701040
- Local Cheswick Green & District quarterly newsletters.
- Access to u3a online courses (you’ll be amazed what you can study without leaving home),
- Help for interest groups from the National u3a Resource centre.
It does not include: Interest group activities which must all be self funding but are only open to u3a members